Monday, March 3, 2014

February Recap

February was a very slow month. I only completed one book, if you can call it that. I didn't finish Medical Apartheid. This month, I need to step my game up. I have a review to write, 3 books to read and review. I've started reading one of the books and as of right now, I'm not impressed. I will make the reviews priorities. I hope I make the deadline.

Friday, February 7, 2014


How do you keep track of the books you read? I use Goodreads and my own personal calendar. This year, I'm taking things a step further by making note of why I like or dislike a book. I will eventually get around to posting reviews.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

February Challenge

I have three reviews to complete for OOSA; Love at First Plight by Andrea Clinton, Deadly Stuff Players by Flo Anthony and The cost of Love and Sanity by Jay Cherie. I would like to complete Medical Apartheid by Harriet Washington. If I am successful in finishing the four books, I have The Shack on my bedside bookcase. This book has been highly recommended by numerous people. I've had it for some time. While working, I listen to my Kindle. I started listening to The Maintenance Man by Michael Baisden. This is another book I've heard good things about. I want to see if this author will live up to the hype.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

My Mission

I'm starting this blog as a way to share my passion of all things literary. I am hoping to meet others with the same passion. It is amazing to engage in conversation about books and authors. Join me on this new adventure!